Monday, April 23, 2007
Fear Vs Faith

Do you find yourself having that?!? Especially if you're a student and undergoing examinations or even just merely preparing for it... This creepy, jittery feeling comes creeping up on you and making you feel insecure about how you will fail this paper, how you will be having mind blocks and that no matter how much you try to study it just doesn't get in...
Perhaps you really are and it's not unusal. Everyone has insecurity because we are not prefect beings and we see things with a warped vision most of the times. That is why we have fear. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real (quoted from my spiritual grandmama Pastor Julie) Therefore, we need to know what is the measure of truth and be able to anchor ourselves in it.
So for those having exams now or just preparing for it, I hope to bless you all with a special word called faith. That even when you're studying you are Firmly Anchored In True Hope
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
How Great Is Our God
Take time to think;it is the source of power.
Take time to read;
it is the foundation of wisdom.
Take time to play;
it is the secret of staying young.
Take time to be quiet;
it is the opportunity to seek God.
Take time to be aware;
it is the opportunity to help others.
Take time to love and be loved;
it is God's greatest gift.
Take time to laugh;
it is the music of the soul.
Take time to be friendly;
it is the road to happiness.
Take time to dream;
it is what the future is made of.
Take time to pray;
it is the greatest power on earth.
so brothers in christ, let's take time to speak to our almighty god..
Monday, April 09, 2007

Dear sons,
I just wanna affirm those who really rose up and served alongside this Good Friday party. I am indeed grateful to see my own spiritual children serving, taking on versatile roles to do what you needed to do. Think we really owned the event togther.
I just sense a wonderful presence of the Lord even as He joined us in our games, in our worship and even through the altar call to bring forth a loving touch. Even among our cell, we're seeing Kah hao (your new bro) and Huiping (re-dedication) coming to know the Lord. It really warms my heart and even to see the love of the family being displayed so much more in this event. Do continue praying for them and even those pre-believing friends of yours.
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If you have feedback for the party in terms of
- What we have done well
- What we could do even better
please share them. These will help us all to learn and do increasingly better for Jesus!
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At the same time, i was also reminded that in the midst of 'doing' for God, we must always focus on the 'being' His child. Resting in our positions in Christ and being in His presence at
all times is the most important, and must be above our service to God!
This Friday during cell, I will share more about this position in Christ.
Bless you to dwell in Him in deep joy and assurance all the days of your life!
Love you all!!!!