Sunday, February 04, 2007
Who am I and who is He
Dear sons,I pray that we have had a fruitful week, particularly those who managed to make it down for the sancfitication week, whether it was for the session or for the audio word time. Personally, I was greatly enriched with the word of God throughout the 3 days that I was there. I just thought to share 3 key things that I caught throughout these few days. God could have spoken to you differently but I pray that the words of God spoke to us and the meditations of our hearts may be used to glorify Him in return.
*One Salvation, many heart conversions*
This was the sentence that caught my heart and jerked me tremendously on the first day even as I hear Ps Julie share about being sanctified on a progressive track. Perhaps we would think that our christian walk is good because we've been believers for long and if there's any issues, it should have long been dealt with. But God reveals that all men are weak and our life is always an aim to strive towards His holy standards. For some it might prove to be a struggle, for others you don't even know whether you're there yet (although I suspect we all aren't). Therefore, I want to urge all of us, to acknowledge all our weakness, even the ability to be weak is something that we need to recognize.
Even for ah pa, having been in the ministry for a while already, I cannot say that I am strong and can overcome everything. There are still a lot of things that I battle against, spiritual warfare, emotional entanglements, physical ailments. THere are so many things that can come against us and what's more for all of us who are in the world. So never ever think that your heart transformation is complete already because we all have a long way to go...
"My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

To be continued...........