Monday, January 29, 2007
Sanctification Week

As we look to this new week, it's a season in our lives that we prepare ourselves in anticipation for the sanctification weekend. I thank God for the past week of busy-ness even as I humble myself and learn to lean not on my own understanding but to move with eyes of faith in what He can achieve even in the slightest note.
After Ps Doug Lambert's sermon yesterday, I realised all the more we need to be sanctified so that we might hear the voice of God and be use and lead in His anointing. Sanctification basically means to be made holy and set apart of God's purposes. (Click to read more)
"Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. He will receive blessings from the Lord and vindication from God his Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face, O God of Jacob." Psalm 24:3-6
Even as we prepare for this week's sanctification, let's prepare ourselves in 3 areas.
(1) Clean hands : Guiltless actions that allows us to approach God without shame nor fear.
(2) Pure heart: Come in the right attitudes and motives. Do not desire to move contrary to what
God wants of you.
(3) Trust God: Learn to see the righteous treatment from a faithful God and recognize it's the
greatest plan for yourselves.
The schedule for week of sanctification:
Wed night (7.30pm)
Thu night (7.30pm)
Fri night (7.30pm)
Sat morning (9am)
The venue will be at TOUCH Centre (TC).
Dear sons, let's come in great anticipation and really desire to make it for every single session as much as we can. For when we do seek Him, His face will shine upon us.
Lift up your heards, O you gates, be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you anicent doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? THe Lord Almighty - he is the King of glory. Psalm 24:7-10
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Redemption during encounter.
Hi all. Guess you all have known by now i'm attending encounter weekend and well, it's over. I'm here dropping by to share my testimony of what God have done with me this 3 days.Day 1, Friday, 19/01/07
Rushed down from school. I was one of the few to reach there first. And i don't know anyone there and i called Ahpa. He told me to use the time to pray to prepare my heart for encounter and i do that. After praying at a corner, i noticed more people i know turning up. And we chat for awhile. Later i put my belongings into my sleeping room with the people from my group. And we start the first sermon. Then next. Basically, it's just like a warm up session to prepare our heart for the Lord for the upcoming two days.
Day 2, Saturday, 20/01/07
In the morning, had our breakfast then start the first session on the Father's love. When Pastor ask us to find two words to describe our earthly father, i suddenly notice i have no feelings or words to describe my father. I also can't really feel God's love. And slowly, God open up my heart and the Holy Spirit surfaced a hidden bitterness that i had for my father that developed when i was very very young. He's a alcholic and whenever he's drunk, he'll get violent at home and beat my mother, throw things aroung the house and shout. And because of that, i feel very hurt by that. I keep on thinking, why does he have to be so violent? Why must he hit mother? Why can't he go sleep and leave us in peace? And the emotion was in me till i grow up. He's less violent when i was in secondary school so the feeling just start to get hidden inside me, never give me a chance to say i forgive him. And God spoke to me, telling me to forgive my earthly father, and i did. And i start to cry. Yes, i really cried. Not 1 tear or 2 but i really cry with tears and mucus flowing out. I'm not ashamed to say it out because, it's God that relieving me of the pain i've kept inside me for so long and He let me have a chance to let it all out. That, i've to thanks Pastor Adrain, aka Ah Gong (spiritual grandfather), for being there for me. To hug me as i cried, to be there for me. After this session, God fill me with His love and start to work His works within me for the next few session.
Next session is I've sinned against God. God tell me of the sin i've keep on strugglin, ask me to find my guide aka Uncle GuangHam to pray for me. The next thing i know, the evil spirit surfaced and some how cast it out. That's what all of us thought... ... ...
The fifth session is Plan of redemption. That's after dinner during the evening. Redemption covers 3 areas and that is: 1) spiritual freedom, 2nd) physical freedom and lastly, in financial freedom. And God told me, "Tonight, i want to fully free you." I'm thinking, wasn't i'm freed earlier in the afternoon? But still, i listened to God and wait upon Pastor Adrain to pray for me. When Pastor pray, nothing seem to work at first. So he press on. The next thing i know, i fall under the power of the spirit and that's when God is really there for me to transform me. The next following thing that i'm going to share is real and solely to testify God's great work within me. People can go check and verify with the people there. Especially Anthony Yeong aka ahpa (spiritual father) and Uncle GuangHam. It's also a brief entry as i can't recall much as i'm conscious only half the time.
Things that's not of God surfaced. They are the spirit of lust and spirit of violence. Some how, Pastor Adrain can't cast it out. I don't know why but Uncle GuangHam took over. All i remember it took super long time and they still remain. So Uncle GuangHam ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what is the thing that have happen that i've not confess to God yet. Suddenly, i heard a familiar phrase that i use to say when i was a child. "Son of Satan." And this lead me to share with you all my past that not much people know. Even they know, some choose not to believe it.
When i was in primary school, i'm always picked on as a target to be bullied. And it happened everyday. And everyday when i got home, my mother only concern about my homework. Even she asked rarely, i also don't dare to say it out. I keep on surpress my feelings within myself till i feel so despair, so helpless and i heard a voice. A voice asking me "Do you need help? Turn to the devil and he'll help you." So day by day, at the age of primary 3, i talk to the devil instead to God. Basically, i know the devil first before i know God. When i know the devil, i always depend on him for strenght and even had a pact with him to be his son. All i want is his strenght and power. And by the age of primary 4, i know lust. And i know words hold power. Other people of the same age are still holding on to innocence when i'm already being filled with so much negative thing. And when i was secondary one, i'm exposed to the world of gansterism. It's also when i'm in secondary school, i know that the devil is not the right way so i pull back and stop talking to the devil. And slowly, the incident with the devil is hidden deep down inside me and forgotten. But i smoked, scold vulgarities and i even joined gang for a short while. Basically, i'm a very bad person. Even i use to try and change, somethings remain.
That's why on saturday night, when i recall i once make a pact with the devil, the Holy Spirit start to move in me and the "war" offically start. And finally everything of not God is out and i'm free. Free in Christ!
Day 3, Sunday, 21/01/07
Morning first session is lead by Uncle GuangHam on faith heal our wounded soul. And during ministry time, God told me yesterday night i've some bitterness within me and i need to sort it out. So during the ministry that day, i sort things out, forgive and let go.
Second session is lead by Ahpa (Anthony Yeong)! It's about water baptism and it's importance. And the last session is on God's vision. And He talked to me and tell me some stuff.
So within this encounter, God have showed me His love, freed me and show me a vision so indeed as we draw near to God, God will also draw near to us... ... ...
Friday, January 19, 2007
the tag board seems active,
but no one seems to be blogging.
therefore, i'm here to add a glow.
time check - 6.53pm
and i'm stucked in school, working on my projects.
*poor me
i've been tied down with plenty of projects, nonetheless
the weekends are here.
and YES. friday it is.
here's a reminder to all:
Saturday, 20th Jan 07
Blk 162, Room 4
Late comers will be persecuted.
Pls inform THE tiny winy ANT if you cant come
PS: who knows i would be late myself.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
t Grow deep in personal
t Look far in family
t Ask big in vision
U. ntil
S. omething
H. appens
U. nity
L. ive
L. ife
P. raise
R. ejoice
E. ndure
S. alvation is
S. ure
EXPLODE !!!!!!!!!!!!!