Thursday, December 28, 2006
Dawn of the new year - It's time to pray !!!
by Charles Moir
O Thou whose glory fills the heavens,
Whose bounty clothes the earth,
To Thee a poem of thanks we raise
For blessings from our birth.
For that untiring love Thou dost,
From day to day renew,
O may it on our hearts descend
Like heaven-distilled dew.
For mercy great, unending still,
Which gave up to the graveThine only Son,
the Sinless One,
Our sinful souls to save.
While entering on another year
Our cares on Thee we cast,
Beseeching aid in days to come
Which cheered us through the past.
That still the freedom may be ours
To kneel down in Thy sight,
And worship Thee at shut of day,
And in the morning light.
That from temptation's fatal paths
Thou turn our steps away;
And keep us from unholy thoughts
That lead the mind astray.
No more may lust of worldly wealth
Command thoughts that are thine;
Nor may we envy other's lot,
Or at our own repine.
Than all the riches earth can boast
Or gems beneath the sea,
We know the pious, humble heart,
More precious is to Thee.
How needful, then, to train our thoughts,
And fan the heavenly flame
Of faith, in the believing heart,
Triumphing o'er sin and shame
And holding by the Word, thou hast
For grace and guidance given,
Pass trough this world in holy fear,
True candidates for heaven.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Powerhouse experience
hey....juz back from juz wanna testify God's work durin de 3 days....on de 1st day, it rained v heavily...but everytime as we were proceedin from east coast park 2 touch center chapel @ marine parade de rain get smaller abit, allowin us 2 move abt in de rain....i dun tin tat is coincidence tat it happen but it is truly God's love for us tat He make de rain smaller...u all nw confirm will ask, but if tat's de case, y dun make de rain stop? well, juz like Ps Adrain shared wif us, God told him diz: " build My powerhouse, we must go through storms as a family...." so well, wif diz, it prove so so much tat it's indeed God's work....
nt onli tat. @ nite, durin de 2nd sermon sharin, God work a miracle in me.....He has free me from my 2 major sins tat i've struggle 4 awhile n nw, i'm completely free.....nt onli me, but He oso work in my fellow brother's life....1 of my spiritual bro had a dislocation in his shoulder n was send 2 changi general hospital....while takin x-ray of de frontal view of his shoulder, it clearly show signs of dislocation. but as he turned ard 2 take de side view, he feel a warm n slight pain on his shoulder n de next tin he noe, de x-ray on de side view show tat he haf a perfect shoulder!! isn't tat miraculous??? if diz is nt de work of God den i duno wat 2 say....
den on de 2nd nite, God spoke 2 me.....1st He told me: "Steven, u r nt alone...." n de next tin i noe, my ahpa come fore n pray 4 me n den i fall under de holy spirit n God reveal 2 me de plans He had install 4 me....basicali i had a big break through in powerhouse....
diz r de major tins tat happen but through out de 3 days, actuali is everyday, tat God is always dere 2 meet my needs n constantly by my side 2 guide praise God!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Impossible is nothing

In the beginning, the plan was for the cell to run this marathon together and to achieve something significant together as a body of Christ. However, sadly, due to overwhelming responses from the public and procastinating notions from many of us, I didn't managed to sign you all up for it.
Nonetheless, I still went for the run myself, although of course I took back the same 10km distance as last year. I didn't go for the 21km because I felt I didn't train enough and was not ready to jeopardize my body. And true enough, I actually didn't managed to last as well as I did last year when I trained. This year, I only managed to make it to the 5km mark before my legs started to give way and I feel the joints hurting and the muscles tensing under the pressure of the run.
However, I continue to walk of course. Even if I can't run, as least I can walk back to the finishing line and still complete the race. So there I was, along with Steven and a few of Guanghan's boys too, walking, talking and sometimes jogging together from the 6km mark to the 9km mark. Nearing the end of the race, I finally mustered up enough strength and endurance to finish the race strong. And so ran all the way back to the finishing line and crossed it in truimphant style!!!
Praise the Lord for a good race and I'm believing God more and more that impossible is nothing. Even when we feel that we may fail, or have not done enough to do well, we should never give up and think that it's impossible. it's not our own strength that determines how well we do but how much we trust God that makes it happen.
"... everything is possible for him who believes"
Mark 9:23
Reminder from the sermon yesterday, that the power of the Holy SPirit doesn't come because there is unbelief in your system. If only you will choose to beli
eve that God will deliver you from your studies, your family problems, your relationships, financial woes and whatever else that may be plaguing you, you will never be able to have true freedom and trust in Christ.
Are you still burdened??? Always worrying about this and that??? not being able to surrender to God and trust His plans??? Not submitting to His plans and purposes???
Time to re-evaluate our lives and committ them to God once again.